倫敦大學學院UCL的研究認為,對電子香煙(e-cigarettes)的危害發出的警告是「危言聳聽」,而增加電子香煙的使用反而能夠救命。 該校的研究認為,每一百萬煙民改用電子香煙,每年至少能夠挽救六千個人的性命。 而國王學院還有瑪麗皇后大學的研究報告則說,先前世衛組織所發表的...
Heart group: E-cigarettes might help smokers quit
The American Heart Association's first policy statement on electronic cigarettes backs them as a last resort to help smokers quit. The...
World Famous Cardiologists Give Public Defense of Ecigs
While many politicians and public health agencies are trying to condemn electronic cigarettes, two courageous cardiologists are using...
WHO urged not to snuff out e-cig PARIS: The e-cigarette was pushed centre stage ahead of World No Tobacco Day, with doctors and policy...